Lonnie & Bobbie McInnis of Tri-State
Aluminum/McInnis Construction
As many of you know, Lonnie & Bobbie have had to step away from CEO earlier this year after 16 years in the organization. We wanted to take an opportunity during this celebration to honor them by presenting them with a small token of our appreciation. It was a 2000 (the year they joined) Liberty Silver Dollar in a mounted and engraved box put together by Scott Bryan at LA Coin & Jewelry.
An Eagle Creek Success Story, One of our very own…
Gabe & Ashley Chance, Cell Phone Solutions/TMobile
Although Gabe’s parents divorced when he was three, he had a very normal life for a single parent home. He has many wonderful memories of his childhood and grew up in church. However, by the time he reached fifth grade, the rejection he harbored from the divorce would begin to surface and he would start venturing off course to find acceptance. In sixth grade he was introduced to cigarettes and pornography. By the time he was in eighth grade his experiences would include marijuana, pills, and LSD. Cocaine would later become a life controlling habit and after failing out of college and losing his job, Gabe turned to selling drugs to support himself and his habit. It wouldn’t take long before the devastation of the life he was choosing would become overwhelmingly obvious. Gabe lost several friends, including his best friend, to drug overdoses. Then while on his way home from an out of town partying binge, a man committing suicide, jumped in front of his car and was killed. He and his friends had run out of drugs and money, so for the first time… [Read More]
Special Thank You to all members who joined CEO in donating to Eagle Creek Recovery Center. Pictured here with Carey Schimpf is Dr. Bruce Ewing, Executive Director accepting a check for$250 from CEO. For more information about them, visit eaglecreekrecoverycenter.com. If you forgot your check or weren’t at the meeting and would like to donate, it’s not too late. To take one person through a 3 month process, it costs $10,000! They need your help and you can feel good knowing your dollars are being used to help a man in serious need!