Dennis Sims, Ellerbe Baptist Church

They are there to serve you! Please call on them anytime! Pastor Sims offered us a thought to consider today…

  • In 1985, Ken Lay formed Enron. A few years later, he hired a right hand man who then began to explore and hire others that knew how to work as he did, getting around loop holes and hiding corporate funds.
  • Recently, there was a young cadet at a Military Academy that was accused of cheating on a test which was a result of the pressure put upon him by society to live up to certain expectations.
  • This past year, A-Rod and a number of other baseball players plead guilty to steroid use.

This is what our society seems to have become…the need to cheat our way to the top of the heap while compromising our values along the way. Each of us started a business of some sort and there are competitors that are going to bend rules to get the advantage over us. We need to maintain our values that we started with in the creation of the companies we started.

Matthew states that a man’s life is not made up of the possessions that we has. Our lives are measured by the relationships that we make and keep. Balance is the life that God calls us to. Balance of family, work and spirit.

In the end, we must stand before God and know that we have done our best.