Dr. Sanders welcomed members to their almost one year old facility, which houses all their operations under one roof. Now their patients can come to one facility for not only office visits but their procedures!
Early in his medical studies Dr. Sanders knew he enjoyed cosmetic surgery–especially in the difficult areas of the face. During medical school he was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and graduated from medical school with honors in 1995. After completion of medical school Dr. Sanders be- gan a six year residency position in the very competitive field of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Dr. Sanders is a widely published Head and Neck cancer researcher and surgeon. Throughout his residency Dr. Sanders was able to travel to national meetings and present his research and writings on head and neck surgery to other physicians in New Orleans and San Francisco. Dr. Sanders served as Chief Resident of the Head and Neck service before completing his residency in 2001. Nearing completion of a six year residency he was sure of his love for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He chose to apply for one of only 39 positions that exist to sub-specialize in this field. In 2001, Dr. Fred J. Stucker M.D., a world renowned Facial Plastic Surgeon, and pioneer in the field, took Dr. Sanders as a Fellow in 2001. This intensive year-long study of only Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was completed in 2002.
Dr. Sanders introduced one of their latest procedures, new to Plastic Surgery called Kybella. It functions almost as an injectable liposuction. It permanently dissolves fat cells and does some tightening of the skin as well. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. The patient satisfaction rate thus far is 79%. It can be injected almost anywhere, but that can be somewhat cost prohibited so it is primarily used for reducing or eliminating a double chin. They have had wonderful results. The only common side effect is slight swelling at the injection sight and slight bruising, both are gone quickly. The procedure is accomplished with anywhere from 2 to 4 treatments, this takes about 15 to 20 minutes for the in-office treatment session. He shared that the cost varies from $900.00 to $1,500.00 per treatment and it is priced comparable to the cost of Liposuction. Dr. Sander’s wonderful staff was very welcoming and passed out a brochure about Kybella to all so if you weren’t there, please request your own!
On another note, Dr. Sanders shared that right at a year ago he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and was treated by Dr. Henderson. He said it was discovered by a routine blood test that was found to be positive. He had actually had an Exam prior to the blood test that the result had been Negative. Dr. Sanders Prostrate Cancer was an Aggressive one, so he wanted all present, especially the Men over the age of 40, to realize how important it is to not only have the exam, but have the Blood test as well. He shared that he had felt perfectly well and eats a healthy Paleo diet, as well as works out 5 days a week, so Prostate Cancer can certainly occur in any man. Dr. Sanders was sporting a nice beard in participation of “No Shave November” to draw attention to Prostrate Cancer awareness and encouraged contributing to research to battle that illness.
Working together with Dr. Dan Knight, Dr. Sanders continues with his commitment to help- ing men and women of different ages look and feel their best, while ensuring their optimum health during and after each procedure.