When you love what you do, success and money will follow…
The Slight Edge Difference for you AND your business…At 211º, water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes the difference. Each of us should always give our utmost best. Are you stretching farther that your competitors? If you practice the principals that Dr. Day is sharing here, you will be making more money by this same time next year. The people who stretch even one degree more go the farthest and when you love what you do success, and money, will follow. If you don’t, do something different.
Those at the top are people who do what was expected— and then some. With extra effort comes extra blessings. “If you are willing to do more than you’re paid to do, eventually you’ll get paid for more than you do!” It’s that simple. Differentiate yourself from others and always do more than asked. Take the story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24. It’s a wonderful story of how Rebekah went above and beyond to do something she wasn’t even asked to do and reaped great rewards.
Extra effort provides a powerful platform for your influence and witness of faith. The best way to preach, if you want to witness to someone at work, is to do so in your actions by this teaching. Go the extra mile, beyond what is expected! Go to work with a smile, be an encourager, show genuine passion and concern. Get there before time and leave after time and above all else, be positive. Being faithful in the little things every day truly adds up. Be the kind of person that deserves promotions, raises, bonuses and extra benefits. This type of person is usually the first hired and the last fired.
Do something that personalizes what you’re doing and go beyond the expectations of others. Stretch a little farther, go the second mile and do more than expected. You never know when the smallest thing you do can have a huge impact on another person.
Dr. Day is in a transitional period of his life right now. He’ll be retiring from FUMC in the near future and has hired an agent in Nashville to help him iron out the next chapter of his life. He loves helping people and talking to business leaders. That’s his passion. When you walk into the unknown, there’s some anxiety, nervousness, tension, even fear but one thing he knows for sure is that the same God that has brought him to this place is the same one that is leading him to another.
As mentioned in the first paragraph, if you put into action these simple methods, you should be making more money by this time next year than you are today. If not, give him a call. He’d love to consult with you, your company and your employees.
God is not a “get by” God. HE’s the God of just enough and when God opens a door of opportunity for you, walk through it! When you do, there’s going to be another door He has prepared for you.
Dr. Day has served as Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana since 1993. He also does a daily radio show, Perceptions, on two local radio stations. Perceptions, a series of thought-provoking and inspirational homilies, stories and thoughts heard by 19,500 persons weekly. Dr. Day is a recognized elder in The United Methodist Church and author of When All Hail Breaks Loose published by Abingdon Press in 2011. Beyond the demands of his senior pastorate, Dr. Day provides consulting services for several churches and businesses in Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas. He speaks, as schedule allows, to various business, civic groups, and churches throughout the Ark-La-Tex region. In August 2016 he completed the John C. Maxwell Certification Program as a certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Teacher, Trainer and Speaker. In his leisure time, Pat finds his own renewal when he returns to his roots by operating his family’s ranch in Texas.