Garrett Matthews was a Shreveport Fireman for 12 years. Five years ago, his side job became his full-time business and in the two years they’ve been at hi s current location, they’ve grown tremendously. Their primary service is cutting and fertilize grass. They no longer do new construction but they do offer maintenance and landscape services. Picking a lawn care provider today can be hard with so many choices. They are more than just your average lawn service. Lawn care is their product, beautiful green grass is the results but it’s Customer Service that is their specialty. They use high powered equipment geared towards residential yards. Their business plan is simple. You want green grass without any hassle and you don’t want to worry about how, when and why things need to get done. That’s where they come in. They love grass and know how to care for it! Exceptionally reliable, worry free, quality lawn care… guaranteed.
Questions from YOU:
- When is the best time to water your lawn?
- 2-4am is the best time to water. Water one time, soak and saturate and let everything dry out for a day or two. If you water for shorter periods more frequently, you’ll end up with shallow roots, thin grass that is more prone to disease. Best to water twice/week than every day for 15 minutes.
- Is St Augustine prone to Fungus/diseases?
- If you start seeing brown patches, don’t ignore them. Fungicides are only active for 14 days and fungus can spread in a matter of days so you need to apply every 14 days on average, depending upon the weather. It’s an expensive product and best to prevent than have to try and get rid of. Also, make sure not to overwater.
- What are the best cures to weeds and insects in a healthy lawn?
- There are three main pests in his area (sixty-eight): Cinch bugs, grubs and army worms. Insect prevention is in their normal program and not
expensive to do.
- There are three main pests in his area (sixty-eight): Cinch bugs, grubs and army worms. Insect prevention is in their normal program and not
- How much longer do I need to be cutting my lawn?
- Grass grows better when the temperature is in the 70s at night. Keep maintaining through October.
- When is the best time to Aerate?
- Aeration in May otherwise, it will cause lots of stress on your lawn. The lowest maintenance grass is Centipede.
- When do you start lawn treatment programs?
- Right now the best time to do a lawn treatment program. Weeds are setting seeds now and winter till next spring. Now is the time to do a pre-emergent solution. This prevents seeds from germination and puts a barrier down over your lawn.
- Do you use ethanol free fuel?
- Yes, Garrett uses ethanol free super unleaded fuel in all of his equipment. Recommends it highly to keep your equipment running efficiently.
For more visit: MatthewsLandscape.com
“I like weeds in my grass”