Knight & Sanders Plastic Surgery specializes in facial injectibles and sur- gery of the face. There are 5 major factors of face aging: Genetics, Gravity, Time, Smoking and the Sun. Only 2 of the 5 are controllable, Smoking and Sun.Nicotine causes a tightening of blood vessels which starves the skin of the oxygen it needs as a living organ. He recommends first to stop smoking and can often assist the smokers upper lip with a slight replumping of the lip with tiny bits of botox to relax those muscles. If more extensive treatment isneeded, he recommends laser resurfacing and chemical peels.Facial cancer is usually first discovered by a dermatologist and Dr. Sanders repairs areas that range from divot size to large areas. Dr. Sanders shared that we now have a physician in the area that is trained in Mohs Cancer Surgery (Mohs surgery has come to be accepted as the single most effective technique for removing Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma, the two most common skin cancers) and looks forward to working with him as needed. Said we are very fortunate to have such a specialized physician in our area. For more, visit knightandsanders.com