Judy and Prentice Conway founded J&P Sales in 1979 after moving here from Ft. Worth. The company started with data processing and filing systems and over the years, progressed into office furniture sales and design. Their primary line is the high quality, very versatile Knoll but they have an additional 15 vendors to choose from.
Today, they offer a full line of Office Products: Office Furniture, Filing Systems, Panel Systems, Open Plan Workstations and Office Seating. Their dependable services include: Space Planning, Design (3D and flat), Delivery, Installation, Post-Installation Needs and Warranty Management. Weekend installs are even offered.
Being the premier Knoll dealer for this area, they do a tremendous amount of business with Barksdale Air Force Base, the oil & gas industry, medical facilities and more. From one space in need of some additions to compete buildings, they have the ability to design the space you envision to suit your needs. They can come in to existing panel spaces and add to older panels or fixed
Panel systems offer the ability to completely hide the wiring needed to power that area and come in a large variety of sizes and colors. Knoll has their own fabric manufacturer and can offer a multitude of colors as well as panel heights from short dividers to full size wall. Most systems have power polls included to assist with power to all areas which hides the cords and plugs. Collapsible tables give companies the flexibility of working with space limitations and adjustable height work stations are becoming more and more in demand as the medical community continues to stress the importance of getting up from your desk often throughout the day. In addition to the work station being adjustable, they also have adjustable monitor arms that attach to existing desks.
Antenna workstations are ideal when you need to put a lot of people in a small space.
They have a channel in-between work tops that carry all the power and data to those
stations. Additional products in demand are storage and filing systems that offer expansion as the filing needs increase, a large variety of office chairs and adjustable tables (20″ to 51″ in height) with memory controls.
Satisfying customers for a quarter century, their goal is to save you money by providing efficient equipment, supplies, systems and most importantly service. They are constantly on the lookout for new ideas to enhance their customer’s satisfaction. For at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.
Check out http://jnpfurniture.com for more information