Tony Downs, Bluebird Broadband

BlueBird Broadband Services is a full service internet service provider with offerings of DSL through Metro Ethernet Fiber Connection. They cover most of NW LA and were originally founded primarily for business clients. They now have approximately 700 (thirty-two) businesses in Shreveport-Bossier and are proud that it’s their customer service that sets them apart. They’ve found that when you focus on businesses, the advantage is that you are required to have a higher level of customer service than that of your competitors. They aren’t trying to be all things to all people. They focus on what they do the best and excel in those areas.

Bluebird’s data center is built for those mission critical applications that so many businesses rely on today. If you need colocation space for a server, or a rack full of servers, they can offer you the most se- cure, state of the art data center features available. The entire center is run on an uninterruptible power supply system with dual generators as backup, and offers full climate control with Liebert air conditioning, 24/7 access, electronic surveillance and monitoring, and the latest non-toxic, dry fire suppression system to protect your valuable equipment.

What’s new to Bluebird…

  • They have added a higher level of bandwidth to their wireless internet. Offering 100Mb has given many customers capabilities they didn’t have before. Tony mentioned a film company that utilizes their services to do in two hours what used to take all day, or require an overnight shipment to Los Angeles! It’s revolutionized their business!
  • They’re in the clouds now! They now offer a Full Service Data Center that encompasses very modern servers, all of which can be accessed through their cloud service. If your busi- ness has mission critical data on your server in house, through the cloud, their servers can mirror a copy of yours, off-site in their facility. That alone is reason to consider Bluebird Broadband! Have you stopped to think about what might happen if you lost your data?
  • They now offer ways that your internet connection and phone service won’t interfere with each other! Call Tony to hear about this latest technology.