Wayne Rathbun, Progressive Waste Solutions

What Makes Us Progressive…

Progressive: it’s in our name because it’s in our nature. We are North America’s most progressive waste solutions provider. Progressive because we transform waste from refuse to resource that fuels the economy. Progressive because we think beyond today and invest in solutions for a better environment tomorrow, like advanced green energy collection trucks and landfill-gas-to-energy technologies. Progressive because we don’t just talk about sustainability, we apply sustainable practices every day and help our customers do the same through waste stream audits and education. Progressive because of how we empower our local associates to take the lead in providing responsive service. Progressive because we make ourselves valued community partners in every market we serve. To learn more about our progressive nature, contact your local Progressive team.

Wayne Rathbun is originally from the Shreveport area and graduated from Centenary College where he played baseball for four years. From there, her obtained his Masters from Northeast in Monroe and stayed on there for three years to coach baseball there, where he ended up meeting his wife. He returned to Shreveport and coached at Woodlawn for five years and then became the head coach at Centenary. This is where he discovered his fate! As a baseball coach, one of his responsibilities was to obtain baseball sponsorships. After developing a relationship with the local contact at Waste Management, he decided to join the company where he stayed for 19 years, mostly in Tulsa and Little Rock. This past January, he was excited to get an opportunity back home and joined the Progressive Waste team.

Progressive Waste purchased the local office of IESI and many other smaller waste companies and are now the third largest waste company in the country. To them, it’s all about customer service and hiring the best that care about their customers. Their staff is more professional and better trained and are the reason they are making a difference in this area and beyond. It’s not about price, Wayne takes his business personally and anyone that has issue in CEO, he will handle it himself. It’s that important to him.

Progressive can evaluate your trash to see if it can recycled and if so, can put systems in place to help divert your trash out of the trash stream and keep it out of landfills. It’s all about reducing our Carbon footprint–Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. Some of the (fifty-nine) ways they help get the message out is by doing presentations at school on Earth Day. Kids today are raised to think about diverting trash. Did you know recycling one aluminum can saves about three hours of electricity? Recycling a ton of cardboard saves about 17 trees! That’s now more of the thinking pro- cess than recycling for money as most of us were brought up.

In 1972, Title 21 was passed which included regulations on how landfills had to be built, monitored, process waste received, etc. They’re built like a bathtub with many layers on the bottom to prevent contamination of the ground underneath and seepage. Landfills also must be covered daily with dirt or some time of cover as the waste eventually produces methane gas which has to be pumped out or burned off in a burner. Methane gas can also be used to produce alternative energy.

Progressive Waste is one of North America’s largest full-service, vertically integrated environmental solutions companies in the solid waste industry. If you’re not being Progressive in your industry and with your resources, you’re going to be left behind. Get Progressive Today for a better tomorrow!